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InterSystems Ideas
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All ideas

Showing 66

Sentient - Use the correct email address

Objective If you have a common first name like me, you receive all sorts of email intended for other people. This is a Security and Information Governance blindspot. With Generative AI, it becomes possible to prevent the unintentional spreading of...
Alex Woodhead 7 months ago in Generative AI 1 Community Opportunity

Implement support to Fivetran, data movement platform Fivetran is the automated data movement platform moving data out of, into and across your cloud data platforms. Enterprise or free version available, including cloud, AWS GovCloud or self-hosted
Dmitry Maslennikov 9 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Community Opportunity

Implement IRIS connector for Airbyte data integration engine

Airbyte is an open-source data integration platform that allows users to sync data from different sources to various destinations. Its architecture is modular and it relies on the use of connectors for each source or destination. Every connector h...
Dmitry Maslennikov 9 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 1 Community Opportunity

InterSystems IRIS for Carbon tracking

Many companies search for carbon tracking software for calculating their carbon footprints. Such software can be made using InterSystems IRIS, but it could be better if there were specific pre-built tools such as in InterSystems IRIS for Health. I...
Heloisa Paiva 10 months ago in InterSystems Products 0 Community Opportunity

Programmatic reports

The report creation is a tedious and non-productive task. You need an IDE, create a connection, create a SQL query, define report bands, drag-and-drop/design report columns, fields, labels, summarizations, margins, charts and prepare perfect pixel...
Yuri Marx 10 months ago in InterSystems IRIS 3 Community Opportunity

Additional Data Types for ISC Products

The idea is that some new data types be added to support things like regular expression, instead of PATTERN. Others can also be thought out that are required for "standardised" validation types and arguments, as the ones used in the OpenAPI specif...
Stefan Cronje over 1 year ago in InterSystems Products 0 Community Opportunity

Class reference generator

Implement a new open-source based project for Class Reference. Which would not require IRIS for work, web only. It's 99% static, no reason in the database just a bunch of metadata. with correct search by any class members
Dmitry Maslennikov almost 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Community Opportunity

secrets management

A secrets management facility that is much like aws parameter store, k8s secrets, etc... where files, strings, etc can be stored and accessed throughout the product. gpg keyscertsaws credsgcp keysstrings Very similar to "Credentials" in EnsLib but...
Ron Sweeney almost 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Community Opportunity

Create an Interoperability Adapter for UIPath

Create an Interoperability Adapter for UIPath
Evgeny Shvarov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Community Opportunity

Introduce AS2 Interoperability Adapter

There is a need for the file exchange implementation of AS2 protocol in a form of an Interoperability (integration) adapter With the upcoming release of Embedded python, it is possible to create an adapter with this python library: https://pypi.or...
Evgeny Shvarov over 2 years ago in InterSystems IRIS 0 Community Opportunity